AFM products

Nano-Observer AFM Microscope

The best price performance AFM

The Nano-Observer AFM microscope is a flexible and powerful AFM. Designed with the ultimate technologies, it combines performance and ease of use.

Compact and robust, the Nano-Observer Atomic Force Microscope fulfills the requirements for advanced users or beginners

High Resolution AFM
Top & side views
Intuitive software
Mechanical characterization (Stifness, Adhesion)

Advanced electrical modes
(HD-KFM, ResiScope and SMiM)
Multiple environments
(liquids, temperature from -35°C to 250°C and gas control)

AFM probes shop

Make your own AFM probes quotation

CSInstruments distributes a wide range of SPM probes compatible with all AFM system, for most AFM applications at an affordable price.

We leverage our experience in AFM to provide the highest quality probes using the latest technology on the market.

Oscillating & contact modes probes
Conductive / Resiscope / EFM / KFM / PFM modes probes
Magnetic Force Microscopy mode probes
Diamond probes
Specifics probes : Gold coating, HART probes, Colloidal probes, SHOCON & SICON, PTU…


Related products


ResiScope II,
AFM Electrical Characterization


All AFM modes,
Standard & Advanced modes


Gas, Humidity, liquids, temperature.
