AFM Electrical characterization
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ResiScope Mode – VO2 sample – 10 µm – Topography and Current signals
What’s ResiScope ?
The ResiScope II is a unique system able to measure AFM resistance over 10 decades with a high sensitivity and resolution. It can be combined with several dynamic modes as MFM/EFM (AC/MAC mode) or KFM single‐pass (AC/MAC III) providing several sample characterization on the same scan area.
A dual measurement system :
Resistance measurement
Current measurement (& IV spectroscopy)
Compatible with Oscillating mode (Tapping / AC mode )
Compatible with EFM/MFM or Single-pass KFM
Resistance 102 ohms to 1012 ohms (10 decades dynamic)
Output information : R, Log R, Current & I/V Spectroscopy
Intuitive software
Easy to use
Automatic mode selection
Configurable outputs
Selectable output scale : R | Log R | Current
Applications :
Oxyde characterization
All conductive characterization
Principle :
During the measurement, the DSP chooses in real time the best gain to optimize the measurement made by the amplifier module (HPA). This operating condition allows a very high sensitivity on all the range of resistivity at a regular scan speed (AFM) . Contrary to other techniques, the current between the probe and the sample is strongly reduced. This has the result of limiting the local effect of oxidation or electrochemistry and protecting the conductive probe from high current damage.
ResiScope is a smart real-time control of the appropriate ranges to obtain the best measurement (sensitivity and range). It limits the current through tip and sample is limited to prevent any damage. It is more than a simple linear or Log amplifier used for a basic current measurement
2014 : « Yves Rocard 2014 » Prize (Société Française de physique)
« Yves Rocard 2014 » prize has been presented by Francis Rocard, astrophysicist who participated in the VEGA Mission (overflight Halley’s comet).
This prize has awarded the « ResiScopeTM II » for its instrumental innovation and the successful of technology transfer between an academic laboratory and a private company.
Based on the work of the thesis of Olivier Schneegans, in collaboration with the LGEP (Laboratory of Electrical Engineering of Paris), ScienTec – CSInstruments have developed an electrical characterization system with wide dynamic range in AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy).
FIEEC Prize for Applied Research at « Rendez-Vous Carnot 2013 »
For the third consecutive year, the Applied Research FIEEC Awards were presented at « Rendez-Vous CARNOT », on Thursday, Oct. 10th, 2013. These prizes reward research works which, through a partnership with an SME, which helped to generate growth and employment.
The second prize rewards three researchers from the Laboratory of Electrical Engineering of Paris (LGEP) for the development of ResiScopeTM II :- Olivier Schneegans Supélec Engineer and Doctor in Physics,
– Pascal Chrétien, Research Engineer,
– Frédéric Houzé Supélec Engineer and Doctor in Physics.This work is enhanced by two SMEs:– ScienTec, specializing in the distribution of scientific equipment dedicated to Surface Analysis and Spectroradiometry
– Concept Scientific Instruments(CSI), SME specialized in AFM instrumentation.Based on the thesis of Olivier Schneegans, they have developed jointly the « ResiScopeTM II », an original equipment able to produce mapping local electrical resistance (current and resistance of 10 decades) from an Atomic Force Microscope.
Resistance range | 10² Ω to 10^12 Ω |
Current range (ResiScope mode) | 50 fA to 100 mA |
AFM compatibility | CSInstruments : Nano-Observer UHV : please contact us |
Compatible AFM mode | Contact / Tapping / AC mode EFM / MFM / KFM single-pass |
Operating Environment | Windows® XP. 7, 8, 10, 11, SP3 Framework DotNet 3.5 SP1 One USB port available |
Power Supply | AC 100‐240V 47‐63Hz, 1A The appliance must be properly grounded. |
Weight (net) | 2kg |
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